Smriti Arya

Articles by Smriti Arya

Smriti is a Content Analyst for GetApp, helping SMBs deliver key insights into software, business and tech trends.

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Displaying 19 Articles

54% of surveyed senior managers use anti-phishing software

Published on 2023-09-29 by Smriti Arya

Hackers continuously design new ways to trick users into performing actions which may cause reputational or financial loss. However, deploying suitable measures and identifying phishing attacks may stop users from falling prey to such cybercrimes. GetApp surveyed 457 employees and managers who have faced phishing... Continue Reading


Top 6 software companies in Canada as reviewed by Canadians

Published on 2023-03-30 by Smriti Arya

Using software to complete day-to-day activities such as connecting with friends or tracking your steps is nowadays becoming so common. We usually rely on apps and tools built by software companies from when we wake up to when we go to sleep. The increasing demand for software and tech companies seems evident in this... Continue Reading


Modernizing libraries: Areas of library automation

Published on 2023-03-06 by Smriti Arya

Technology can potentially transform how library operations are performed. From keeping the library organized and stocked to placing orders and managing renewals, there’s a lot to do when it comes to handling a library. This article presents different areas of library automation where emerging technologies can be used... Continue Reading


7 Construction technologies to watch in 2023

Published on 2023-02-08 by Smriti Arya

As per Business Wire, the construction industry in Canada is expected to grow steadily to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% during the forecast period 2022-2026. Keeping this in mind, construction firms should potentially take measures to ensure that they are prepared to serve customers’ needs better and... Continue Reading


How technology can help combat climate change in agriculture

Published on 2022-12-30 by Smriti Arya

Climate change can have a direct impact on agricultural production. Climate parameters —including extreme storm events, heat waves, pests, and droughts— can potentially pose productivity risks to on-farm practices. In this article, we will share some insights on how to use technology to combat climate change in the... Continue Reading


5 Best customer loyalty program software in Canada

Published on 2022-12-26 by Smriti Arya

Want more returning customers? Creating customer loyalty programs can help you convert new customers into potential regular ones. Customer loyalty program software can help small to midsize enterprises (SMEs) strengthen customer relationships. We have narrowed down a list of the best Canadian customer loyalty program... Continue Reading


A comprehensive guide on how to secure data in the cloud

Published on 2022-11-23 by Smriti Arya

According to a survey by CIRA, data breaches at Canadian firms have almost doubled since the pandemic. With the massive volume of professional and personal data saved in the cloud, organizations should ideally be cautious about data security. In this article, we will share some cloud security practices that small to... Continue Reading


How to prepare your business for a recession using software?

Published on 2022-10-21 by Smriti Arya

Recession can have a negative or positive impact on businesses. However, preparing your business to overcome a recession could be an ideal solution to ensure that you do not experience a worrying downturn during an economic collapse. In this article, we will share some tips to help you better prepare your business. Continue Reading


4 Popular software for freight brokers in Canada

Published on 2022-09-28 by Smriti Arya

We will talk about the best freight software for organizations dealing with freight management, logistics, and freight brokering for international and domestic shipments. All the tools listed below have a minimum of 4/5 star overall ratings. Continue Reading


Hardware vs software explained

Published on 2022-09-02 by Smriti Arya

A computer comprises many elements of software and hardware, where hardware are physical components while software help make hardware functional. But can they work without each other? In this article, we will look at some examples of hardware and software and explain how they work together. Continue Reading